2024 Track & Field League

DivisionsCentral West
Div Sec/LeaderWilson Paterson
ClubsBedford & County
Fairlands Valley Spartans
Marshall Milton Keynes
Div Sec/LeaderWilson Paterson (Corby)
DivisionsCentral East
Div Sec/LeaderClaire Smith
ClubsCambridge & Coleridge
Helpston Harriers
Newmarket Joggers
Peterborough Nene Valley
Ryston Runners
Div Sec/LeaderClaire Smith
Div Sec/LeaderCarey Hollick
(Colchester & Tendring)
City of Southend
Colchester Harriers
Colchester & Tendring/Ipswich
Div Sec/Leader Carey Hollick
(Colchester & Tendring)


Match 1CorbyPeterboroughChelmsford
Weds 1st MayTues 30th AprilWeds 1st May
Match 2BedfordKings LynnSouthend
Weds 5th JuneWeds 5th JuneWeds 5th June
Match 3Milton KeynesCambridgeColchester
Weds 3rd JulyWeds 3rd JulyFri 5th July
Match 4Sandy(Biggleswade)PeterboroughThurrock(Grays)
Weds 31st JulyTuesday 30th JulyWeds 31st July

League Final Sator Sun 14th or 15th September to be confirmed once a venue is confirmed Additional teams may be added to these divisions before the start of the League season but this will not change venues. Matches should start at 7.00pm but this may be flexed to reflect permitting requirements in relation to lighting for the long throws. Programme of events should be consistent across the 3 divisions but will be adjusted to reflect local circumstances. Divisional Secretaries will circulate the detailed match programme of events reflecting local circumstances.


Meeting ScheduleDOWNLOAD
Emac League 2024DOWNLOAD
Divisional TeamsDOWNLOAD

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