Club Kit – New Vests

Brenda modelling the Women’s Cut Vest

EMAC Vest back and front
The club kit with the EMAC logo is now available. It’s available in three styles: Crop Top; Men’s Cut Vest & Women’s Cut Vest in a variety of sizes made in the latest materials by Fastrax at a subsidised price of £21.00 inc p&p. Men’s chest sizes: 36″, 38″, 40″, 42″, 44″, 48″, 52″. Women’s cut chest sizes: 32″, 34″, 36″, 38″, 40″, 42″, 44″, 48″ and women’s crop tops in S, M. L, XL.
You have two ways to buy the kit: Cheque; or inter-
By Cheque – send a cheque made out to Eastern Masters Athletics Club * for £21.00 per vest to :
EMAC Club Kit
35 Priory Street
Ware, Herts SG12 0DE
By Bank Transfer – pay £21.00 for each vest that you order and use :
Lloyds Bank, Sort Code = 30-96-17
Account Number = 01909164
Account Name = Eastern Masters Athletics Club
Reference = Vest
…with a follow up email to John Borgars at:
*Please note to use Eastern Masters Athletics Club and NOT EMAC as the transaction may be refused.
In either case let John know the style, the size and your postal address.